Citadel Doppelgängers for Toob-Feeding Lemmings. All is Abetted by Calamity-News and Corn-pone-Media Quislings. The GWOT Core of Manifest Destiny aka Exceptional- and Z- and Jingo- isms are Mandates for Eviscerating Natives' Resources an Explicit Neo-Cannibalism. This Manic Tyranny of Unsustainable Reactionary Paradigms is Shock-Doctrined by the Hoaxed "Unawareness" of Ideological, Humanitarian, and Military Crises. "Left" or "Right" Politics has Been Made Entirely Irrelevant.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Re: RecruitCamp Experience

Location of the Camp for corpo Recruiters, por favor?
Yes, there is an allure to learning from Internet pioneers.
Yet, its a challenge to admire the signal/noise ratio.
I cannot respect the talent implementing 'confirms' and solicitations which lack 
a succinct, well-crafted subject line, including dates and locations!

My advocacy here is efficiency, for saving the audience measurable time. 
Any email, particularly the automated items, have an obligation
to encapsulate the agenda within the subject line. 
That strategy imparts a high signal, low vagueness.
Per my opinion, that is the baseline for a professional communication.

For curious reasons, the email below forces a reader to click "register" ...
to simply acquire the location of the venue for the seminars.

Okay, thanks for listening.

PS:  There are additional imperatives for web-onaughts.
Productive workers have no patience for slide shows. No tolerance for a ten-click plugola. Every Joe the Plumber jumps onto the wagon train
with home brew dis-services pertaining to some "the top ten."

Likewise, there is no thoughtful reason to supply content data within in an image file.
Those may be blocked by Outlook, for example, and by default within gmail.

Cloud.1 is my little pet buzzword, but  that is a realm which already has matured into grade school. 
Granted, we have minions of Luddites still hamstering along with legacy paradigms
and desktop-centric mail.  Whee! That quaint stuff was deliberately, shrewdly,
excluded from the stillborn Windows 7.

Disclaimer: these opinions do not necessarily represent anything but a blog sermon.

--- original message ---
On 11 February 2010 12:55, M' at R'

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