Citadel Doppelgängers for Toob-Feeding Lemmings. All is Abetted by Calamity-News and Corn-pone-Media Quislings. The GWOT Core of Manifest Destiny aka Exceptional- and Z- and Jingo- isms are Mandates for Eviscerating Natives' Resources an Explicit Neo-Cannibalism. This Manic Tyranny of Unsustainable Reactionary Paradigms is Shock-Doctrined by the Hoaxed "Unawareness" of Ideological, Humanitarian, and Military Crises. "Left" or "Right" Politics has Been Made Entirely Irrelevant.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cookies for Global Domination

The Firefox vs ie8 vs Chrome browser battle resolves to a monitoring of activity aka popularity and thus leverage for advertising which IS the monetization enabling the "free" internet. After extracting the noise, these signals are analogous to intercepting stock transactions on the way to the NYSE.

Google's Chrome browser avoids ant-agonize-ing the www Goliaths which despise Adblock, DTA, NoScript and .sol/LSO Cookie removal. Such tools cripple the metrics, tracking, content-ownership, page-views and intrinsic objectives of a free or paid experience at a domain. DMCA is only one toxic enemy of the libertarian thought that information/images "want to be free!" Global citizens in opposition to the false authority of the RIAA rebuke the travesties of Corpo lawyers suing grandmothers accused as "mass downloaders/mp3-pirateers."

'Soon' there may be an arms/techno race of Corpo versus ~harmless small fish where consumption products like manufactured news-articles, web content, movies and images would contain steganographic beacons similar to an RFID, or Zip-file Password. Meanwhile, the US blithely ignores a sober national security strategy of promoting education and development of the future generation of home grown engineers and technologists. Not all talent can be bought or offshored.

MSM is a veil for propaganda and fascism, the conjoining of Corpo and Govt interests. This week, a disempowered minority called smokers, became greater pariahs due to farcical connections between black market cigarettes and some droplets of funding to international terrorists. Empowered by RICO and Patriot Acts the Borg will proceed to deploy Chicken-Little pandering "against terrorism" to crush, deflate, deflect, taze or scrub and neuter the Outlanders.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Our lives shaped by those beliefs

Beliefs and Reality  (mid page at

The more coherently we believe something on all levels of consciousness, the more likely our lives will be shaped by those beliefs. The more deeply we know something to be true, the more likely we will see and experience the world in terms of that truth.

This however, does not necessarily mean that it will be true for others. Each person – through their interpretation of what happens to them throughout life – develops their own version of reality, which has varying amounts of overlap with what others believe to be reality. We may live in the same physical world, yet our beliefs about what is true and real, and our emotional experience of this world can be quite different.

Some individuals have a greater ability to influence the beliefs of those around them than others. Those who have a very strong, coherent energy field that is directed outwards generally appear dynamic and charismatic to others. They are thus more easily able to convince those around them of what they believe or know to be true. They are often considered to be great communicators and influential people. This does not necessarily mean, however, that they know "The Truth."

On the other hand, a more "shy" person or one who keeps their energy more contained or directed inward may have a level of knowingness just as strong as an outgoing charismatic person, but because of their shyness or inwardness, they are much less likely (or may not even want) to persuade others to believe as they do.

There is no ultimate right or wrong here. Whether we choose to direct our energy more outward or inward, each of us is doing what we believe to be right in each moment.

Yet the more transparent we are to ourselves and to the world around us, the more consciously we can make choices. And the more fluid we are in expanding our intelligence and beliefs, the more powerfully we can adapt to and make good use of the changes that occur in our lives and world.


It is our emotional attachment to certain beliefs
that limits us and keeps us from seeing greater realities.

spoon-fed, or self-directed worldview?

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