Citadel Doppelgängers for Toob-Feeding Lemmings. All is Abetted by Calamity-News and Corn-pone-Media Quislings. The GWOT Core of Manifest Destiny aka Exceptional- and Z- and Jingo- isms are Mandates for Eviscerating Natives' Resources an Explicit Neo-Cannibalism. This Manic Tyranny of Unsustainable Reactionary Paradigms is Shock-Doctrined by the Hoaxed "Unawareness" of Ideological, Humanitarian, and Military Crises. "Left" or "Right" Politics has Been Made Entirely Irrelevant.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

11.13.2019 rediscovered no.2

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spoon-fed, or self-directed worldview?

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